دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم Jennifer 8
(BY Christopher Young)
Download Jennifer 8 Soundtrack By Christopher Young
ژانر : Score
سال : 1999
کشور : USA
فرمت : MP3
کیفیت : 320kbps
حجم : 292MB
مدت زمان : 1:56:18
Track (Number) : 72
01. [1m1] Main Title part 1 less voices mix 2 (0:55)
02. [1m1] Main Title part 1 with voices (0:53)
03. [1m1] Main Title Pt 1 (1:13)
04. [1m1] Main Title Pt 2 remix (2:10)
05. [1m1] Main Title Pt 2 tk 12 (2:32)
06. [1m1] Main Title remix (0:45)
07. [1m2] Retrograde tk 5 remix (1:42)
08. [1m2] Reretrograde tk 5 (1:35)
09. [1m3] The Hand remix again (1:58)
10. [1m3] The Hand remix (2:12)
11. [2m1] No Head and No Hands (1:07)
12. [2m2] Answering Machine Info tk 17 remix (1:31)
13. [2m2] Answering Machine Info tk 17 (1:29)
14. [3m1] Palmist Pt. 1 tk 31 remix (1:00)
15. [3m1] Palmist Pt. 1 tk 31 (0:46)
16. [3m1] Palmist Pt. 1 (0:44)
17. [3m2] Hallway Piano piano only tk 107 (1:43)
18. [3m3] Cello for Helena Pt. 1 tk 20 remix (1:12)
19. [3m3] Cello for Helena Pt.1 (1:21)
20. [3m4] tk 51 (0:52)
21. [4m2] Cello for Helena Pt. 2 tk 53 (1:14)
22. [4m3] Cello for Helena Pt. 3 alt (1:01)
23. [4m3] Cello for Helena Pt. 3 pizz tk 43 (1:10)
24. [4m3] Cello for Helena Pt. 3 alt tk 39 (1:07)
25. [4m3] Cello for Helena Pt. 3 alt tk 40 (1:03)
26. [4m3] Cello for Helena Pt. 3 alt tk 41 (1:04)
27. [4m3] Cello for Helena Pt. 3 pizz tk 42 (1:07)
28. [4m3] Cello for Helena Pt. 3 tk 36 (1:04)
29. [4m3] Cello for Helena Pt. 3 tk 38 (1:02)
30. [5m1] Breathless Like You tk 54 (1:05)
31. [5m2] Cello for Helena Pt. 4 remix 2 (0:46)
32. [5m2] Cello for Helena Pt. 4 remix no good (0:49)
33. [5m4] What You See remix (1:22)
34. [5m4] What You See tk 24 (1:24)
35. [6m1] Outfoxed Pt. 2 tk 28 remix (1:53)
36. [6m1] Outfoxed Pt. 2 tk 28 (1:40)
37. [6m3] Still Life Pt. 2 alt tk 67 (2:25)
38. [6m3] Still Life Pt. 2 tk 62 (2:24)
39. [6m4] Still Life Pt. 1 tk 57 (1:24)
40. [6m4] Still Life Pt. 1 (1:30)
41. [6m5] Eye to Eye tk 101 (1:25)
42. [6m5] Eye to Eye tk 103 (1:20)
43. [7m2] Bad Feeling tk 92 (tail slate) (0:41)
44. [8m5] Run to Institute pt 1 remix (1:15)
45. [8m5] Run to Institute pt 2 alt remix (1:54)
46. [8m5] Run to Institute pt 2 (1:49)
47. [9m1] Taking Elevator Pt. 1 (1:20)
48. [9m2] Taking Elevator Pt. 2 mix 2 more pile driver (2:42)
49. [9m2] Taking Elevator Pt. 2 remix (2:44)
50. [9m4] The Estuary tk 35 remix (1:16)
51. [9m4] The Estuary tk 35 (0:59)
52. [10m1] Malice Aforethoughts Pt. 1 (1:03)
53. [11m1] Taxi to Berlins tk 91 (1:14)
54. [11m2] Eye to Eye Pt. 2 tk 68 (2:07)
55. [11m2] Eye to Eye Pt. 2 tk 71 (tail slate) (2:10)
56. [11m3] Taylor Grabs Helena (1:15)
57. [11m4] Outfoxed Pt. 2 tk 75 (1:21)
58. [11m4] Outfoxed Pt. 2 tk 76 (1:19)
59. [11m4] Outfoxed pt. 2 (1:02)
60. [12m1] Palmist Pt. 2 tk 51 (1:25)
61. [12m2] Malice Aforethoughts Pt. 2 tk 84 (2:52)
62. [12m2] Malice Aforethoughts Pt. 2 tk 86 alt ending (2:41)
63. [13m1] Brain Vanish Pt. 1 tk 96 (3:09)
64. [13m2] Chris’ Mix (2:37)
65. [13m2] remix film mix 1 (2:57)
66. [13m2] tk 100 (2:28)
67. [13m2] tk 98 (2:35)
68. [13m3] Brain Vanish Pt. 2 tk 83 remix (3:33)
69. [13m3] Brain Vanish Pt. 2 tk 83 (3:12)
70. [14m2] Eight to Nine tk 124 (1:32)
71. [14m3] Remembering Red tk 109 (2:26)
72. [14m3] Remembering Red tk 113 (2:16)
دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم Jennifer 8
دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم Jennifer 8 – توسط Christopher Young