دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم Tre Pistole Contro Cesare
(BY Marcello Giombini)
Download Tre Pistole Contro Cesare Soundtrack By Marcello Giombini
ژانر : Score
سال : 2016 (1966)
کشور : Italy
فرمت : MP3
کیفیت : 320kbps
حجم : 59MB
مدت زمان : 25:43
Track (Number) : 27
1. Main Title Laredo (2:05)
2. Stranger In Town (0:51)
3. In Search For (0:49)
4. The Harem (0:31)
5. Ballad For The Three (1:01)
6. By Night (2:03)
7. Surprise (0:41)
8. Relax Time (0:14)
9. Arriving (0:11)
10. Laredo Melody (1:17)
11. Stoping (0:25)
12. Reprise (2:25)
13. Ridding (0:18)
14. Tam Tam Song (2:16)
15. Mountain Wisle (0:44)
16. Fight Melody (0:32)
17. Waiting For (0:43)
18. Slow Trumpet (0:23)
19. Melody at Last (1:29)
20. Melody And Again (0:30)
21. Top Melody (0:27)
22. The Pool (0:20)
23. The Battle (0:16)
24. Final Duel (0:23)
25. Cesare’s Death (0:59)
26. Oro End Titles (1:09)
27. Laredo Score Suite (2:54)
دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم Tre Pistole Contro Cesare
دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم Tre Pistole Contro Cesare – توسط Marcello Giombini