دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم Creepshow 2
(BY Les Reed & Rick Wakeman)
Download Soundtrack Creepshow 2 By Les Reed & Rick Wakeman
ژانر : Score
سال تولید : 2017 – 1987
کشور : USA
فرمت : MP3
کیفیت : 320kbps
حجم : 120MB
مدت زمان : 52:21
Track (Number) : 26
1. Welcome to Another Edition of Creepshow (4:30)
2. Old Chief Wood’nhead (2:23)
3. Benjamin (0:45)
4. Cherished Treasures (3:51)
5. Here to Do a Little Shopping (1:38)
6. This Hair is Gonna Get Me Paid and Laid (0:53)
7. One More Step and BLAM! (1:26)
8. Rock Candy (0:33)
9. There Ain’t No Dust in Hollywood (0:32)
10. Warpaint (1:58)
11. Tomahawk (0:25)
12. Old Chief Wood’nhead’s Revenge (0:41)
13. May Your Spirit Rest, Old One (0:46)
14. Venus Fly Trap (1:34)
15. The Raft (4:32)
16. Help Me! It Hurts! (2:20)
17. I’m Fast! I Can Make It! (2:36)
18. Hold Me (0:54)
19. Love Theme/I Beat You! (3:24)
20. No Swimming (1:51)
21. The Hitchhiker (2:37)
22. You’re Seeing Things, Bitch (0:32)
23. Thanks for the Ride, Lady! (2:58)
24. Shooting the Hitchhiker (1:07)
25. You Killed Me (1:41)
26. Till Next Issue… Try to Stay Scared (5:56)
دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم Creepshow 2
دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم نمایش مورمور 2 – توسط Les Reed, Rick Wakeman