دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم Satyricon
Download Soundtrack Satyricon By Nino Rota
ژانر : Score
سال تولید : 2017 – 1970
کشور : Italy
فرمت : MP3
کیفیت : 320kbps
حجم : 62MB
مدت زمان : 25:57
Track (Number) : 20
1. Teatrino di Vernacchio / Vernacchio’s Small Theater (Remastered) (1:14)
2. Il Giardino delle Delizie / Garden of Delights (Remastered) (0:51)
3. Notturni nella Suburra / Nocturnes in the Suburra (Remastered) (2:01)
4. La schiavetta innamorata / The Little slave Girl in Love (Remastered) (0:39)
5. La cena di Trimalcione / Trimalcione’s Dinner (Seq. 1) (Remastered) (2:10)
6. Madeja’-Primadeja’ (Madeja’-Primadeja’-Remastered) (2:37)
7. Mio amato Gitone / My Beloved Giton (Remastered) (0:52)
8. La cena di Trimalcione / Trimalcione’s Dinner (Seq. 2) (Remastered) (1:57)
9. Tema di Gitone / Giton’s Theme (Remastered) (2:33)
10. Il trionfo del nuovo Cesare / New Caesar’s Triumph (Remastered) (0:22)
11. Encolpio e Ascilto, prigionieri / Encolpio and Ascilto, Prisoners (Remastered) (0:51)
12. Sulla nave di Lica / On Lica’s Boat (Remastered) (1:27)
13. Le nozze sul mare / Wedding at sea (Remastered) (0:43)
14. Il fuoco delle vestali / Vestal’s fire (Remastered) (0:31)
15. L’oracolo Salmodiante / The Psalmodist Oracle (Remastered) (0:54)
16. Mi ascolti Gitone? / Do You Listen to Me? (Remastered) (0:53)
17. Storia della maratona di Efeso / Story of Ephesus matron (Remastered) (0:35)
18. Encolpio ha perduto la sua spada / Encolpio lost his Sword (Remastered) (1:46)
19. Il Minotauro / The Minotaur (Remastered) (1:34)
20. La nuova isola (The New Island – Remastered) (1:29)