(BY Dean Elliott, Neal Hefti)

دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم College Confidential / Synanon

Download College Confidential / Synanon Soundtrack By Dean Elliott, Neal Hefti

Genre : Score

Date : 2013 – 1960, 1965

Country : USA

Audio codec: MP3

Quality : 320kbps

File size: 154MB

Playtime : 1:02:02

Track (Number) : 27

1. Main Title (College Confidential) (3:24)
2. Faux Pas (College Confidential) (1:44)
3. Make the Scene (College Confidential) (2:14)
4. Breakup (College Confidential) (1:01)
5. Blues Train (College Confidential) (3:05)
6. Mad Dad (College Confidential) (1:16)
7. Lazy Lady (College Confidential) (3:41)
8. So Be It (Blues) (College Confidential) (3:11)
9. Wild Ride (College Confidential) (2:01)
10. Gotta Be Hot or Cold (College Confidential) (2:24)
11. Decision (College Confidential) (1:02)
12. Prelude & Lovers Quarrel (College Confidential) (2:12)
13. Let’s Go (College Confidential) (3:17)
14. Raid (College Confidential) (2:22)
15. So Be It (Jazz) (College Confidential) (2:04)
16. End Title (College Confidential) (0:45)
17. Zankie (Main Title) (Synanon) (2:23)
18. The Perfect Beginning (Synanon) (2:58)
19. Main Street (Synanon) (2:22)
20. Blues for Hopper (Synanon) (2:19)
21. Hope (Synanon) (2:32)
22. Tonight’s the Night (Synanon) (1:54)
23. Zankie and Put Your Little Foot (Synanon) (2:00)
24. Open House (Synanon) (1:59)
25. Put Your Little Foot (Synanon) (2:05)
26. Zankie (Synanon) (2:35)
27. The Whiffenpoof Song (Synanon) (3:12)

College Confidential / Synanon Soundtrack By Dean Elliott, Neal Hefti

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