(BY Christopher Tyng)
Download Soundtrack Kazaam By Christopher Tyng
Genre : Score
Date : 1997
Country : USA
Audio codec: MP3
Quality : 320kbps
File size: 87MB
Playtime : 34:45
Track (Number) : 16
1. Interscope Logo / Main Title (2:50)
2. First Wish Backfires (0:42)
3. Junk Food from Here to the Sky (1:22)
4. Bike Chase (1:59)
5. Dijinn Explained (1:12)
6. Maljk’s Way (1:39)
7. Max and Alice (1:40)
8. Lose the Pointy Shoes (2:06)
9. The Father / Stepfather Conflict (2:16)
10. Never Challenge a Genie (2:20)
11. Tape Theft (2:13)
12. Genie Groove (2:03)
13. Flying French Toast (0:44)
14. Maljk Gets His Way (3:32)
15. The Transformation (4:51)
16. End Titles (3:15)