(BY Volker Bertelmann, Dustin O’Halloran)

دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم The Old Guard

Download The Old Guard Soundtrack By Volker Bertelmann, Dustin O’Halloran

Genre : Score

Date : 2020

Country : USA

Audio codec : MP3

Quality : 320kbps

File size : 113MB

Playtime : 46:21

Track (Number) : 24

1. The Old Guard (1:12)
2. Hotel (1:22)
3. A New Mission (2:01)
4. Rejuvenation (1:54)
5. Double Bubble (1:28)
6. Nile (1:01)
7. Andy’s Mission (1:50)
8. Nile’s Rejuvenation (1:10)
9. The Iron Maiden (3:23)
10. Caught (1:28)
11. Drive To The Mine (2:33)
12. Little Permissions (1:54)
13. They Grow Old (1:39)
14. What If We Don’t Live Forever? (1:06)
15. Love That’s Lost (2:43)
16. What We Leave Behind (2:03)
17. Traitor (4:15)
18. Montenegro (1:08)
19. We Won’t Give Up (1:57)
20. The Old Guard Attacks (1:55)
21. Skybridge (1:37)
22. I Always Go First (3:06)
23. Beach (2:24)
24. You Are Going To Help Us (1:14)

The Old Guard Soundtrack By Volker Bertelmann, Dustin O’Halloran

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