دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم The Happiest Millionaire


دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم The Happiest Millionaire

Download The Happiest Millionaire Soundtrack

ژانر : Soundtrack

سال : 2002 (1967)

کشور : USA

فرمت : MP3

کیفیت : 320kbps

حجم : 104MB

مدت زمان : 45:19

Track (Number) : 17

1. Overture (The Happiest Millionaire) (2:33)
2. Fortuosity (3:12)
3. What’s Wrong with That (1:34)
4. Watch Your Footwork (2:36)
5. Valentine Candy (3:44)
6. Strengthen the Dwelling (1:04)
7. I’ll Always Be Irish (3:08)
8. Bye-Yum Pum Pum (3:09)
9. Are We Dancing? (3:27)
10. I Believe In This Country / Reprise: What’s Wrong With That (0:50)
11. Detroit (4:31)
12. When a Man Has a Daughter / Reprise: What’s Wrong With That (1:16)
13. There Are Those (2:33)
14. Let’s Have a Drink on It (3:46)
15. Finale (Let’s Have a Drink on It) (2:09)
16. It Won’t Be Long ’til Christmas (3:17)
17. Off Rittenhouse Square (2:30)

دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم The Happiest Millionaire

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