دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم The Stanford Prison Experiment
(BY Andrew Hewitt)
Download The Stanford Prison Experiment Soundtrack By Andrew Hewitt
ژانر : Score
سال : 2016
کشور : USA
فرمت : MP3
کیفیت : 320kbps
حجم : 108MB
مدت زمان : 40:44
Track (Number) : 21
1. Opening Titles (1:34)
2. Prisoner or Guard (2:15)
3. Zimbardo Watches (0:38)
4. The Lineup (1:20)
5. Letterwriting (2:30)
6. Jumping Jacks (1:35)
7. Breakout Attempt (2:59)
8. The Escape (2:47)
9. Prisoner Interrogation (2:51)
10. After the Interrogation (0:54)
11. The First Debate (2:50)
12. Visitors’ Day (2:45)
13. Breakdown Approaches (0:52)
14. The Breakdown (1:09)
15. Christina Arrives (1:12)
16. The Second Debate (1:49)
17. Mike’s Doubt (2:58)
18. Christina Disturbed (1:01)
19. The End Begins (1:06)
20. Camels (3:01)
21. 21 – Remembering the Experiment (2:52)
دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم The Stanford Prison Experiment
دانلود موسیقی متن فیلم The Stanford Prison Experiment – توسط اندرو هیوت